Tuesday- Thursday: Noon- 8 pm
Friday: Noon-8 pm
Saturday: 12pm-10pm
Sunday and Monday: Closed
We will still be coming out with monthly calendars, but starting with January, we are listing all of our classes and giving you the opportunity to take a class at a time that meets your schedule. For most classes there are two prices listed. The first is the price if you are willing to have this be open to other students. The second price is typically, $10 more and makes the class a private class. No more worrying about having missed a class.
Unfortunately our website provider has discontinued online scheduling, but we have plans to be able to return to that soon. To schedule a course do one of the following:
Call our shop and we can schedule the apt. Our number is 210-265-1911.
Message us on RavenCraft’s Facebook
If you notice that a class is Midnight Raven or MishCraft message you can message those Facebook accounts as well.
Message us on Instagram.
Come on into the store.
Don’t worry there are links to the sections and descriptions below. This is just the list of what we are currently offering and we have more to come.
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
—Anthony J. D'Angelo
Click the links below to see more full descriptions of the courses or series of courses you are interested in.
Call us at 210-265-1911, message us on social media, or email us at admin@ravencraftmagic.com and we let us know which class you would like to take this month. Don’t forget to add if you would like to make it “Open” (where we advertise it to other clients) or if you would like a Private class (Private classes will not be added to the calendar, we already have private classes on the schedule). Let us know some dates and times that work for you and we will find the perfect time for you. Contact us soon.
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© 2023 RavenCraft